Friday, March 5, 2010

Blog Hopping

I've never actually participated in a "blog hop" (please don't ask me to explain what that is because I'm not exactly sure myself), but it makes me think of wearing a poodle skirt and sounds like fun, so here goes.

Every Friday Mama M over at My Little Life posts 5 questions for all the "hoppers" to answer. If you want to participate, head on over there and link up (again, please don't ask me what that means because, although I'm going to attempt it now, I don't actually know what it is or how to do it).

My Little Life

1. What's your guilty pleasure?

Free kids' cookies at Target. No, I've never gotten one when the kids weren't with me, but I did start getting three before Elise was really old enough to have one so that I could have one too. Now I only get about 1/3 of Elise's cookie and soon it will be none because she's going to start noticing that she's being shorted. But for now, I'll take the couple bites I can get.

2. What is your favorite TV series?

It used to be a toss up between Lost and 24, but I've recently confirmed that 24 is, hands down, my favority series. I just can't wait to see how Jack Bauer is going to save the world next.

3. Can you speak any foreign languages?

I used to be able to speak two: spanish and norwegian. Now I throw out a few spanish words here and there for the benefit of my children, but I'd be hopelessly out of luck if I was ever in need of help in Mexico. If you asked me how many languages I can understand the number would be much higher as long as I could add Jack-ish and Weslese to the list.

4. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

Not as many as I would like. I'll just leave it at that.

5. What's your favorite kind of M&M...peanut, almond, straight-up regular, etc.?

I'm a simple kind of gal; I like plain ol' milk chocolate M&Ms. You just can't beat that tiny little burst of heaven each time you pop one in your mouth. Why destroy the simplicity by adding peanuts or almonds or anything else for that matter?

1 comment:

sean said...

I hear ya on the shoes.