Friday, June 18, 2010

Five Question Friday

Time again for five question Friday with Mama M.

1. What is your favorite thing about summertime?

That it's not winter. I pretty much like everything about summer except the abundance of bugs. If I have to pick just one thing, though, it would probably be sleeping with the windows open on cool summer nights. Pure. Restful. Bliss.2. What is your ideal retirement location (if money didn't matter)?

I don't really care much where I retire as long as I'm close to family and friends. Maybe because retirement is soooooooo far into the future I don't really have an accurate perception of what I'll want, but I'm not sure why I would feel much different than I do today. I'm happy here in Minnesota, but I'm sure I would be just as happy in South Carolina as long as my friends and family were near by. Oh - and my church. I love my church.

3. Do you live in the same town you grew up in?

Sort of. I grew up in the inner city and thought I'd always live there. Now I live in a suburb and, I have to admit, I really like suburbia. I've even considered living further out where we could have more than a 1/4 acre lot and 10 feet between our house and the neighbors.

4. What nervous habit did you have as a child that you kicked to the curb before becoming an adult?

Hmm...I don't know if it was a nervous habit or not, but I used to bite my fingernails. Then when I stopped biting them the were brittle and thin. And then I got pregnant and something about those pregnancy hormones changed my nails and now they're pretty normal. I think. I guess I don't spend a lot of time examining other people's nails to see how mine compare.

5. What is the most embarrassing thing that happened to you while on the job?

I'm sure there is something that I've blocked from my memory, but I really can't think of anything. However, during all three of my pregnancies I had nightmares about needing to deliver at work. We have a trained emergency responder team so I know, medically, everything would have been fine. The only problem would have been finding a new job during my maternity leave because, after my coworkers saw more of me than I would want to share, there would be no way I would set foot in the door again. Now that would be my most embarrassing moment, you know, if it happened. But it didn't. Thankfully.

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