Friday, July 2, 2010

Five Question Friday

Another round of questions from Mama M.

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?

Summers. Summers free from responsibility. I'm sure I didn't appreciate it then. Now? I daydream often of free summers.

2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?

Well, not all of them, but yes, some of my friends from high school are still my dearest friends today.

3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?

"Green" as in environmentally friendly (not the color, of course). Just because it's associated with a big fat lie and scam that gets people to comply with the government stealing more of their money.

4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?

This is super corny, but you know that song, "Proud to be an American" by Lee Greenwood? Yea, that. Though I think the lyrics are not as true today as they have been in the past (probably a topic for another time), I think it just embodies the intent of the framers when establishing our constitution and the commitment from soldiers and their families to continue to defend our freedom at home and abroad.

5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?

Heading to the cabin! For as long as I can remember, 4th of July weekend has held a max-capacity cabin, days on the beach and in the water, boat parades, picnics, bonfires and fireworks. This year we're planning on taking the kids, well at least the boys, to see fireworks in Brainerd for the first time. They're very excited about it, although Wesley is a little concerned that the fireworks will be too loud and he won't be able to sleep. We eased his mind a little when we clarified that he wouldn't actually be trying to sleep while the fireworks were going on. I think he's still a little confused, though. I guess when you're two, fireworks are just something you have to experience to understand in full. Who knew?

Happy 4th of July everyone!


Andrea said...
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Andrea said...

I think your and I's stances are somewhat the same, just from what you wrote about Greenwood's song (which I love) and about being "green". Both of which I agree completely. I tear up while hearing that song. Stopping by from Five Question Friday.

The Greene's said...

I'm sooooo with you on free summers...

TyAnne has been riding her bike over here to play with the kids and I am so envious of her school & work free summer. I definitely didn't appreciate it when I was younger.

Oh what it would feel like to be bored!

Jennifer said...

Stoppin by with 5QF...Have a great 4th weekend :)