I love summer...and seeds and soil and gardens and veggies and farmer's markets. And many times I wish that I lived on a lot of acres so I could have my own giant garden and fields and barns and animals (mostly chickens). And then I remember all the icky stuff that comes along with that wish. Um...I'll just stick with my three 4x4 garden beds and stopping at the farmer's market once a week because I don't like bugs and I don't like rodents and I really don't like snakes.
But I do like eating fresh produce. And canning. I really like canning. Today I pulled up not as many beets as I thought I had, but enough to make two of the four recipes I picked out for canning beets. And enough beet greens to double the pesto recipe I want to make.

I had just two little beets left over so I decided to add them to the CSA squash I had and saute it all up with the farmer's market onion I picked up last week and a few sprigs of oregano from our herb planters. The verdict is still out on the final results (I'm not going to name names, but not everyone in our family is a fan of squash and/or beets).

As a side note...aren't beets so pretty?

The rest of the week we'll be focusing on getting our beets pickled and marmaladed (pretty sure I just made up that word) and probably taking more pictures of beets because, you know...they're just so pretty.
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