Most recently, the congestion lead to a sinus infection that resulted in 10 days of fighting with my strong-willed middle child to take a twice-daily, cherry-flavored antibiotic...mmm. And along with the antibiotic came diaper rash caused by...well, we all know what happens when the good stomach bacteria gets "zapped." Being the concerned mother that I am (I admit that I was just as concerned about saving myself from the nasty diapers as I was about relieving my poor child), I checked the "dairy" section at Super Target for some soy yogurt that might help my little guy's stomach. Success! It comes in a 6-pack (3 strawberry, 3 peach) and, surprisingly, it isn't any more expensive than the regular yogurt we get. Anxious to reap the benefits of the active cultures in the yogurt, I offered a carton to little Wesley at snack time the same day. I found out that the days of feeding Wesley are long gone and even the obstacle of a spoon will not get in the way of his mounting independence.
Yes, that's our, strong-willed and fighting daily to be as "big" as his big brother. At the same time he's our sweet, lovable funny man, doing whatever it takes to make us laugh.