Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Definitely Keeping Up

I spent the morning in the doctor's office with Elise and Wesley. Elise had her 6-month check-up and Wes was in for a follow-up to a wheezing episode he had a couple weeks ago. I'm happy to report that Wes's lungs sounded great and that the likelihood that the wheezing was asthma related is lessened by the fact that he only needed the nubulizer for four days and sounded great today...whew!

When Elise was in for her 4-month check, she weighed in at about 17 pounds - the 99th percentile. Just looking at her you can tell she's, well, healthy as many strangers so "politely" point out. However, I didn't expect her to be 22 pounds, 4 ounces healthy today at 6 months old. If there was such a thing as the 101st percentile I think she'd hit it. For reference, Jack was 23 pounds at 1 year, Wesley was 24. Even now, Wesley, who I should remind you is 14 months older than his baby sis, is less than 5 pounds heavier. "Don't worry, she's fine," says our pediatrician whose daughter was as big as Elise at 6 months and is now a very average sized 4-year-old. She's the expert. I guess I won't worry.

1 comment:

The Greene's said...

What a cute picture! She has the greatest smiles :)