Thursday, May 5, 2011

Low Key

An incredibly busy day filled with custom made boats, humpback whales, the Hawaiian Smith family and their luau left us in need of some low key fun. We found it the next day on the golf golf, that is. We were temporarily enamoured with the idea of learning to golf - real golf - in Hawaii. We wisened up.

The views were still beautiful,


the golf mates (mates? is that the right "golfy" term?) fabulous,


the competition fierce,


and the holes challenging.


And when it was over we still liked each other. And someone that came in first, second or third* (can't remember) got kissed. 


*If you're wondering why I didn't list fourth you've obviously never been mini golfing with me. Fourth is my spot. Always. Unless just two people are golfing. Then I come in second.


sean said...

The competition is so fierce that I am putting AWAY from the hole.

Beckie said...

Haha! I think this was the practice green.