Friday, February 10, 2012

Five Question Friday

Another week has gone by without a post, but it's been one of those weeks where there is something going on every night so I'm giving myself a pass. Play long with Mama M's blog hop here.

1. How often do you shave your legs in the winter?

When I don't have a huge belly to reach around it's nearly as often as I do in the summer. However, the giant "obstacle" definitely lessens my motivation to do any bending, especially in a slippery place with a sharp object in hand.

2. Valentine's Day cards for your spouse: funny or romantic?

Neither. I'm probably going to step on some toes here, but I think cards are a waste of money and Valentine's day is the worst time to celebrate love. It just feels so obligatory, which automatically rips all the romance out. I like flowers and chocolates as much as the next gal, but I like them 10 times more on days that aren't in the middle of February.

3. What are you most looking forward to about spring?

This year? Our new babe. Seriously. Can't. Wait. Other years? Not needing to bundle up the kids every time we open the door.

4. What's your favorite way to pamper yourself?

I love going to the salon to get my hair done. It's a rare occurrence (probably too rare, I hate to admit), but when I go I get a cut and highlights which gives me time to sit under the warm dryer and read a book or magazine - a luxury I rarely take time for.

5. Does your tax return go into savings or do you spend it instantly?

Tax return? We're almost always in the opposite camp. In principal I'm glad we're not lending money to the government interest fee. In reality, I really don't like writing a check (or rather, that Sean has to write a check) in April.

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