Birthday season continues...
In an unbelievable turn of events, Jack turned seven(!) this year. Yep, seven. I can't believe it either.
How could this tiny baby...
turn into this little boy...
who celebrated his seventh birthday just one short month ago?
This year, Jack confidently read all of this birthday cards,
graciously opened all of his birthday presents,
and patiently assembled NASA's next space shuttle.
He also anxiously eyed
seven glowing candles
in anticipation
of huffing
and puffing
until the last one went out!
This has been a year of tremendous growth and discovery for the oldest member of our crew. Challenged with loads of homework, daily violin practice, playful (and sometimes troublesome) siblings and a mother with perfectionist tendencies (likely his biggest challenge), Jack has demonstrated patience, perseverance, determination and forgiveness. He is growing into a young man with a heart for knowing the Lord and is asking deep, insightful questions to gain a better understanding and love for his Savior.
Happy birthday, sweet boy. We love you very much!
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