Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chester Cheetah

No, we didn't invest in Cheetos. We've got the pox. More specifically, Wesley has the pox all over. Here's the full story: We noticed some funny bumps on Jack about two weeks ago and brought him to the doctor where we were told that they were bug bites and they should go away. This past Sunday (two weeks after we noticed the bumps on Jack...funny, two weeks is the incubation period for chicken pox) Wesley woke up with a few bumps that looked just like the ones Jack had. We were at the cabin so we thought they were also just bug bites. But after he developed more and more "bug bites" and there was no bug to be seen, we knew they definitely weren't bug bites. Since they looked just like Jack's and we were told Jack didn't have chicken pox, I brought Wesley to the doctor thinking they were going to diagnose him with some rare, potentially fatal skin condition. Nope, "definitely chicken pox" said the same doctor that told us that Jack didn't have chicken pox two weeks ago. Grrr...

Wesley is actually managing pretty well. He has had a low grade fever, but not many other symptoms besides the blisters. He doesn't seem to be too itchy either, except on his head and face. Below are a couple pictures of our spotty baby.

By the way, I would like to apologize to anyone we may have infected (or their parents). WebMD has some good tips on how to manage the symptoms of chicken pox. In our defense, we were told they were "bug bites." Also, if anyone has some good suggestions for managing symptoms that aren't available on WebMD, please post them here. And I would also like to know what you've heard about the symptoms of chicken pox because what is listed on WebMD is exactly opposite from what the doctor told me. Hmm...


The Greene's said...

Sorry to hear about your little guy...I think the spots look worse than they feel, according to what you described. I got your message but haven't had a chance to call yet. So far, nothing for Zach and I'm not too worried about it. Were Wesley and Jack vaccinated for pox?
Anyhoo, as far as I've learned/read the symptoms for chicken pox are obviously the itchy spots, but just kind of a general illness feeling. Kind of mimicks flu/strep.
Hope it resolves quickly!

Beckie said...

Jack has been vaccinated. Wesley has not, obviously. The vaccine is administered at 12 months.

Lorie Crandall said...

oh no! those pictures are so sad! i was also going ask about the vax - I've heard about people not liking it... Will you skip the vaccination now for wesley because he has the pox! Hope they go away quickly & it isn't too stressful on you all!

Beckie said...

I would highly recommend the vaccine. Jack had 3 pox, Wesley has 300! Jack was vaccinated, Wesley wasn't. I never want to have one of my children go through this again. Wesley is miserable. He's normally really happy and content and the last two days he's been pretty lethargic and really crabby. I tried to get him to stop crying for two hours last night before he finally fell asleep. I had to lay him on the floor so he could toss and turn however he wanted to and rub his back until he fell asleep. I thought I was going to have to sleep on the floor with him. The night before that I was up with him four times. He's normally a good sleeper. There is no need to have Wesley vaccinated now since he's had the actual virus.